Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Week of rest!

After last Saturday, the forecast advised us to stay in the Marina on Sunday given that strong winds were expected. But we still had Monday and Tuesday to go out before Ana had to leave. However, on Sunday we had our first "casualty".Mário was not going to be able to come back, which left me and Ana alone. In any case, we could still sample from Clavadel with the big pole, which was better than nothing. However, the forecast got it completely wrong, and as soon as I woke up I could hear the topping lift vibrating, meaning wind was up from 15 knots at least. This was confirmed as we got out and the wind was indeed blowing with a speed of + 15 knots. The sea was correspondingly bad (to sample at least, not for sailing), but I decided to keep going hoping the forecast of almost no wind was still valid. Soon I realized it wasn't, as the wind just gained strength. Also, menacing clouds were forming in the horizon clearly indicating a front was approaching. It was clear the weather was not going to get better anytime soon, so I decided to head back to port. On our way, we got the inevitable drops of rain!

As we got to port, I went to check the forecast that had (naturally!!)changed drastically, and apparently now Tuesday was going to be a bad day as well. As such,I just said that Ana could leave if she would like, which she did given she still had some work for her MSC to be done. However, Tuesday was not that bad. Actually, it was not bad at all, and I realized that weather forecasts weren't really reliable for he present conditions.

In any case, in only four days of work I almost doubled the number of samples I had for Portimão which is not bad for a start. As for now, it's pretty much sorting the boat out and getting ready for the new volunteers who will be arriving shortly.

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